Ionut Danaila, Yongyong Cai (Beijing) and Yvon Maday (UPMC, Paris) will organize a workshop at the Fields Institute (Toronto), entitled Scientific Computing Across Scales: Quantum Systems in Cold-matter Physics and Chemistry (April 22-26, 2019).
This event is part of a retrospective on the 2016 Fields Thematic Program on Multiscale Scientific Computing (January-April, 2016), for which Ionut Danaila and Bartek Protas (McMaster) were the lead organizers.
Prof. M. Kobayashi (University of Kyoto) will visit our QUTE-group in Rouen during February 25 - March 1st, 2019.
The website of the ANR project Qute-HPC is (finally) online. This is the (first) logo of our project (spaghetti vortex lattice in a rotating BEC).