G. Sadaka, P. Jolivet, E. G. Charalampidis and I. Danaila, Computer Physics Communications, 2024. Download HAL hal-04528301v1.
G. Sadaka, V. Kalt, I. Danaila and F. Hecht, Computer Physics Communications, 2024. Download DOI HAL hal-04021868.
M. Brachet, G. Sadaka, Z. Zhang, V. Kalt and I. Danaila, Journal of Computational Physics, 2023. Download DOI HAL hal-03852256.
V. Kalt, G. Sadaka, I. Danaila and F. Hecht, Computer Physics Communications, 2023. Download DOI HAL hal-03849287.
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C. Cartes, E. Tirapegui, R. Pandit and M. Brachet, The Galerkin-truncated Burgers equation: crossover from inviscid-thermalized to Kardar–Parisi–Zhang scaling, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 380, p. 20210090, 2021. (Journal link) (HAL link).
Eric Woillez, Jérôme Valentin, Philippe-E Roche, Local measurement of vortex statistics in quantum turbulence, Europhysics Letters (EPL), Volume 134, Number 4, 2021. (Journal link) (ARXIV link) (HAL link).
Pantxo Diribarne, Bernard Rousset, Yuri A. Sergeev, Camille Noûs, Jérôme Valentin, Philippe-Emmanuel Roche, Cooling with a subsonic flow of quantum fluid, Physical Review B, 103, p.144509, 2021. (Journal link) (HAL link) (ARXIV link).
M.-E. Brachet, Vortex filaments and quantum turbulence, Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 348, p. 501-508, 2020. (Journal link) (HAL link).