We are glad to announce the next official annual meeting of the QUTE-HPC project. All the members are invited in Grenoble, Institut Néel.

Schedule of the meeting :

January 30, 2020

    13h45-14h15  I. Danaila
    14h15-14h35  V. Kalt and E. Woillez
    14h35-15h00  F. Luddens
    15h00-15h30  E. Lévêque
    15h30-16h00  Coffee break
    16h00-16h30  Ph. Roche
    16h30-17h00  M. Brachet
    17h00-17h30  Discussions 
    19h45        Gala dinner

January 31, 2020

     9h30-11h30 Visit of experimental facilities
    11h30-12h30 Wrap-up session and animated discussions
    12h30-14h00 Lunch


Partner Rouen-Paris-Poitiers:

M. Brachet, I. Danaila, L. Danaila, V. Kalt, C. Lothodé, F. Luddens

Partner Grenoble:

B. Chabaud, Ph. Roche, E. Woillez

Partner Lyon:

E. Lévêque

Pictures from the meeting (January 30-31, 2020).