Pictures extracted from our preprint High performance computing of quantum turbulence using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation: new numerical benchmarks, Computer Physics Communications, 2020. DOI 10.1016/j.cpc.2020.107579, (HAL), (ARXIV).
V. Barbu, I. Ciotir and I. Danaila Existence and uniqueness of solution to the two-phase Stefan problem with convection, Applied Mathematics & Optimization, 84, p. 123–157, 2021. (Journal Link) (HAL link).
M. Kobayashi, P. Parnaudeau, F. Luddens, C. Lothodé, L. Danaila, M. Brachet, I. Danaila, High performance computing of quantum turbulence using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation: new numerical benchmarks, Computer Physics Communications, 258, p. 107579(1-26), 2021. (Journal link) (HAL link) (ARXIV link).
A. Griffin, S. Nazarenko, V. Shukla, M.-E. Brachet, The Vortex-Particle Magnus Effect, Phys. Rev. A, 101, p. 053601, 2020. (Journal link) (HAL link) (ARXIV link).
I. Ciotir, Stochastic porous media equations with divergence Itô noise, Evolution equations & control theory, 9, p. 375-398, 2020. (Journal link) (HAL link).
S. Laurent, P. Parnaudeau, F. Chevy, I. Danaila, Nonlinear dynamics of coupled superfluids, submitted, 2019. (HAL link) (ARXIV link)
Using our in-house code GPS, we have computed our first simulations of QT.
Codes are here.
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